Shot on iPhone: The Story of Each Photo | Power Mac Center

The Story that Lies Somewhere Out There

The Story that Lies Somewhere Out There

With crystal clear water, vast blue skies, a white-sand beach, and world-famous outdoor activities, we took on Siargao Island, Philippines to find the story that lies within its natural beauty. What better way to share this with the world than to capture it with the globally celebrated iPhone camera.


For the last leg of the #ShotoniPhone campaign, 8 lucky winners experienced an exclusive 3-day outdoor photography workshop given by Mango Red. These participants were randomly selected from our raffle draw in partnership with Polaroid, Pictar One, Leef, Anker, UAG, and Otterbox.


We flew these lucky winners to one of the most beautiful islands in the Philippines to teach them photography tips that will prove just how versatile and easy the iPhone camera is and how as tiny as it is, it can take on our great outdoors and capture its countless stories.


People onboarding an Airplane


To make things more exciting for these participants, we made it a competition. For the whole three-day trip, they have to capture the story of their Siargao Experience in 6 photos. Their photos will be judged at the end of the workshop by Mr. Randall Dagooc, one of the owners of Mango Red Studios and the one who will give the workshop.


Upon arrival on the island and checking in to the hotel, the workshop immediately began.


First stop, exploring the rock formations in Magpupungko Tidal Flats and experiencing the famous surfing spot, Cloud 9.


Man swimming in the sea


On that day, Randall taught them that the first step in taking a good photo is finding out the story of why you want to capture that moment or place. You have to know what you want to say, what you want to be your main topic because if you don’t know what your story is, your photo will not have an effect on the people who will see them.


He also taught them about the rule of thirds – how they can pull focus on certain elements of the photo to give them emphasis; and how to create depth in their composition which also gives the viewer the idea of what is the real subject of the photo.


 Man using iPhone on a travel


Following the rule of thirds #ShotoniPhone by Jay Balais


The next day, they went off again on an adventure.


This time explore the picture-perfect Sohoton Cove National Park. Riding in little boats, they captured the majestic view of caves, and mangroves while seeing stingless jellyfish and colorful corals through the clear water.


 Banker in Sohoton Cove national park

Sohoton Cove National Park #ShotoniPhone by Michelle Ober


 Clear Water of Sohoton Cove

Clear Water of Sohoton Cove #ShotoniPhone by Carlo Ayo


After that, it was time for a tour of the other beautiful islands in Siargao.


They went to Naked Island and then to Daku Island; And before they knew it, it was already sunset and time to go back to the hotel.


man on the seaside

Sunset in Daku Island #ShotoniPhone by Raymond Tiongco


It was the end of the workshop and time to announce the competition’s winners. Back at the hotel, Randall reviewed all the participants’ photos and commented on each of them for the areas that they can still improve.


Men filming in the dark


After that, Randal finally decided on the winners out of the 8 participants – Carlo Ayo, Raymond Tiongco, and Michelle Ober won first to third place respectively.


Power Mac Center Customers


But of course, in the end, all of them are winners for learning firsthand from such an industry expert on Photography and composing beautiful photos of the great outdoors.


They all received consolation prizes and giveaways from the event sponsors.


At the end of our three-part Shot on iPhone Campaign, we have taken on uncharted territories with mobile photography and proved that the tiny camera of our iPhones can do massive things.


Let’s continue to include the Philippines in the global campaign of Apple #ShotoniPhone!


For more information, follow @powermaccenter on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube.

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